Agenda 2018

2018 New York Metro ASC Symposium - New York Marriott Marquis - November 2, 2018

This program is approved for 4.25 hours of AEU credits by BASC Provider #1709


Day 1
02 Nov 2018
7:45 – 8:30 AM

BREAKFAST AND REGISTRATION (Exhibit Hall – Salon 1 & 2 and Julliard Complex)


Andrew E. Blustein, Esq., Vice Chairman, Garfunkel Wild, P.C.

STATE OF THE UNION (Salon 3 & 4)

National Perspective:William Prentice,CEO, Ambulatory Surgery Center Association
State Update:Jon Van Valkenburg, CASC, President, New York State Association of Ambulatory Surgery Centers
Jeffrey Shanton, President, New Jersey Association of Ambulatory Surgery Centers
Lisa Winkler, Executive Director, Connecticut Association of Ambulatory Surgery Centers
Moderated by: Greg Bloom, Esq.,Partner/Director, Garfunkel Wild, P.C.

The Ritz-Carlton Creating an Exceptional Patient Experience (Salon 3 & 4)(1.25 AEU Credits)

Hear from The Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center and gain a competitive advantage by applying The Ritz-Carlton techniques to your ASC.
Valori Borland, Corporate Director, Culture Transformation, The Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center
Introduction by: Nelson Gomes, President and CEO, PriorityOne Group
10:45-11:15 AM


Practice Roll Up Opportunities Track A (Salon 3) (1 AEU Credit)

Henry H. Bloom Founder & President, The Bloom Organization
Michael ShapiroThe Bloom Organization
Brian Liberty, Director, The Bloom Organization
Introduction by: Greg Bloom, Esq.,Partner/Director, Garfunkel Wild, P.C.

Why Worry About a Governmental or Commercial Payer Audit? Track B (Salon 4) (1 AEU Credit)

Katherine Dunphy, M.P.A. Director, Congressional Affairs, National Government Services
Wiks Moffat, Principal - Executive VP, HealthCare Compliance Network
Moderated by: Peter Hoffman, Esq., Partner/Director Garfunkel Wild, P.C.

Decision-Making Strategies that Improve Your Financial Outcome Track C (Carnegie/Lyceum) (1 AEU Credit)

Brent Stackhouse, Vice President, Mount Sinai Ventures
Dan Schneider, CEO, SIB Fixed Cost Reduction
Brian Clark, Business Performance Advisor, Insperity
Moderated by: Andrew E. Blustein, Esq. Vice Chairman, Garfunkel Wild, P.C.

How Data Can Improve the Patient Experience Track D (Edison) (1 AEU Credit)

Marta Shultz, Product Manager, SimplifyASC
Maura Cash,Director of Clinical Services, HSTPathways
Christopher Heller,Channel Partner Development, M*Modal
Moderated by: Kimberly Kempton-Serra, Esq., Partner, Garfunkel Wild, P.C.

Infection Control in the ASC Track E (Booth) – ClinicalTrack (1 AEU Credit) (1 Hour RN Continuing Education)

Bruce Bardall, Product Manager, SimplifyASCDirector, Clinical Support, Implementation, Physicians Endoscopy
Introduction by: Nelson Gomes, President and CEO, PriorityOne Group
12:20 - 1:20 PM


Top 5 HR Issues that Affect Your Bottom Line Track A (Salon 3) (1 AEU Credit)

Tom Jacobs, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, MedHQ
Andrew Zwerling, Partner/Director, Garfunkel Wild, P.C. Sal Puccio, Partner, Garfunkel Wild, P.C.

Preventing Malpractice in an ASC Track B (Salon 4) (1 AEU Credit)

Dr. Samuel Beran, Medical Director and Managing Partner, Surgical Specialty Center of Westchester
Martin T. Kaiser, CPHQ Risk Management Consultant, MLMIC Insurance Company
Marina Nisi Panaro, J.D., Senior Claims Consultant, MedPro
Moderated by: Scott Parker, President, Acadia Professional

How to Maximize Payor Contracts Track C (Carnegie/Lyceum) (1 AEU Credit)

Dan Connolly, VP of Payer Relations & Contracting, Pinnacle III
I. Naya Kehayes, Principal, ECG Management Consultants
Ellis “Mac” Knight, MD, MBA, Senior Vice President & Chief Medical Officer, Coker Group
Moderated by: Debra Silverman,, Esq. Partner/Director, Garfunkel Wild, P.C.

Glimpse of the future for ASCs Track D (Edison) (1 AEU Credit)

Roy Bejarano, Chief Strategy Officer, Physicians Endoscopy
Robert C. Goettling, Principal, The Bloom Organization
Moderated by: Andrew E. Blustein, Esq., Vice Chairman, Garfunkel Wild, P.C.

CMS Quality Reporting Track E (Booth) (Clinical Track) (1 AEU Credit) (1 Hour RN Continuing Education)

Jovanna Grissom, VP of Operations, Pinnacle III
Bruce Bardall, Director, Clinical Support, Implementation, Physicians Endoscopy
Introduction by: Sandra M. Jensen, Esq., Partner, Garfunkel Wild, P.C.
2:25 - 2:55 PM


Building the Supply Chain of the Future Track A (Salon 3) (1 AEU Credit)

Danilo D'Aprile, Administrator, Merritt Healthcare, Specialty Surgery Center of Connecticut
Micah McClelland, VP of Business , Hybrent

Current Valuation Trends in ASC Transactions Track B (Salon 4) (1 AEU Credit)

Nicholas J. Janiga, ASA, Partner, HealthCare Appraisers, Inc.
Curtis Bernstein, CPA/ABV, CVA, ASA, CHFP, MBA – Principal, Pinnacle Healthcare Consulting
Max Reiboldt, CPA, CEO /President, Coker Group

Building and Financing an ASC Track D (Edison) (1 AEU Credit)

Peter J. Morandi , CEO, Eastman Cooke Construction
Elizabeth Butler, Senior Vice President, Valley National Bank
Andrew J. Schulson, Esq., Partner/Director, Garfunkel Wild, P.C.

Medical Staff Credentialing and Peer Review – Common Mistakes Track E (Booth) (Clinical Track) (1 AEU Credit)

Debbie Comerford, President at Ambulatory Surgery Center Quality Services, LLC
Stacey Gulick, Esq., Senior Vice President, Valley National Bank Partner, Garfunkel Wild, P.C.
4:00 - 5:00 PM